
Traditionally, we heal through talk therapy. Together with a clinician/technician, a patient works through relationship issues, depression, anxiety and other psychological symptoms.

With neurofeedback, we look at why you are struggling with anxiety, depression or the other symptoms you are experiencing. What is your brain doing that is creating the over-arousal or under-arousal in certain situations? Neurofeedback enables us to look at specific regions of the brain to determine what we have too much of, what we don’t have enough of, and develop a specific protocol to train the brain to work differently and more efficiently. This has the potential to reduce anxiety, depression, ADHD, seizures, migraines, hot flashes and more.

Neurofeedback is also used by individuals who want to increase their performance, called Peak Performance Training. Athletes, runners, doctors, CEOs, first responders and crisis workers utilize neurofeedback sessions to increase their efficiency and performance at work, or in their personal lives.

Neurofeedback sessions help to rewire brain wave activity through positive reinforcement through visual and auditory stimuli. When the patient’s brain produces optimal activity, positive reinforcement will occur. When the brain waves are not optimal, the positive reinforcement will stop.

neurofeedback neuron graphic

What happens during a neurofeedback session?

During a neurofeedback session, our trained and certified clinicians/technicians monitor electrical brain activity using an electroencephalogram (EEG). Our counselors attach non-invasive sensors to your scalp in specific areas of the brain to monitor brainwaves and activity in that region. These sensors detect the electrical signals produced by your brain and transmit them to a computer. There is no pain or discomfort from these sensors; most patients forget they are there.

The sensors are connected to a computer, which displays a feedback such as video, listening to music/sounds or playing a video game on a monitor. The patient focuses their attention on it to achieve the objective, while the clinician/technician monitors brain activity and mapping the patient’s brainwaves against the ideal state the client is trying to achieve.

Goals are set and when your brain meets the goal,

you get a reward. This reward is a visual and/or auditory change in what you are watching. There are different types of feedback that can be used such as watching a video, listening to music/sounds or playing a video game. Neurofeedback can challenge your brain to change old or unhelpful ways of firing and create flexibility and balance.  Flexibility in the brain is the key to healthy brain function.

Over time, the brain creates new neural pathways.

In as little as 10 sessions depending on need, frequency of treatment and response to treatment, patients will see a difference in their response to certain stimuli. In as little as 40 sessions depending on need, frequency of treatment and response to treatment, new neural pathways will be created which are permanent.


After trying multiple medications and supplements, neurofeedback has helped me feel relief from migraines that I had never thought was possible.”


How often should I attend neurofeedback sessions?

Patients who attend neurofeedback sessions twice a week tend to experience the most success. We recommend at least one day off in between sessions.

Sessions can be offered weekly or bi-weekly, but that will extend the overall length of time for the treatments to be most effective.

All sessions are conducted in person. It’s important that you report any adverse reactions or side effects immediately to your provider.

Neurofeedback can help alleviate a variety of physical and emotional conditions. Schedule a FREE consultation with one of our clinicians to find out if neurofeedback will help you.

Maximize your treatment by mastering these actionable tips.

Conditions neurofeedback can treat include but are not limited to:

  • Anger/Aggression/Agitation
  • Anxiety/Panic Attacks
  • Attachment Issues
  • Attention/Cognition
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder
  • Chronic Pain
  • Daydreaming/drowsiness
  • Depression
  • Emotional Regulation
  • Fibromyalgia      
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Insomnia
  • Long COVID symptoms
  • Low Motivation/Low Energy
  • Memory
  • Migraine and tension headaches
  • Misophonia
  • Sickness
  • Night sweats
  • Nightmares/Night terrors
  • PMS Symptoms
    • Depression, anger, agitation
  • Poor Concentration/Spacey
  • PTSD
  • Sleep Problems
    • Frequent awakening, early morning awakening, difficulty falling asleep, excessive sleeping
  • Sleep walking
  • Substance Abuse
  • TBI Symptoms
  • Tinnitus

Every intervention has the potential for an unintended reaction (including psychotherapy). This is integral information for the learning process. Most are mild and reversable. Although they typically do not last more than 24 hours, possible transitory effects can include:

  • Mood changes such as anxiety, sadness or irritability
  • Sleeping disruptions
  • Physical symptoms such as tiredness/fatigue, minor headaches, nausea or lightheadedness

If you wish to learn more about neurofeedback, or to schedule a session, contact us today.