Our clinicians provide neurofeedback and biofeedback sessions to clients looking to supplement their current treatment, such as counseling and medication, and for people who are not currently in treatment but are looking to optimize their performance on a personal or professional level.
Specialized Physiological Assessments (Physiological Stress Profiles) are utilized prior to the start of treatment to provide a baseline to understand an individual’s response to mildly stressful stimuli in order to formulate an individualized treatment plan.

NF=Neurofeedback; BF=Biofeedback; QE= Quantitative EEG; AS=Alpha-Stim; HRV=Heart Rate Variability

Quantitative EEG (qEEG)
brain mapping to detect brain activity. This test allows our clinicians to record how the neurons in your brain function and communicate with one another.

Bioresonance Therapy (BRT)
is a type of biofeedback, sometimes called bioregulation therapy, body biofeedback, or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF). It uses signaling technology to work with your body's own biological communications. This helps stimulate your cells and speed up natural healing processes. Healthy cellular communication is essential for maintaining overall health and addressing symptoms of cell damage and illness.

MindAlive David Delight Pro
with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) combines two therapeutic technologies: Audio-Visual Stimulation (AVS) and Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES). This combination aims to help improve brain function, manage stress, and treat various mental health issues.
Maximize your treatment by mastering these actionable tips.