
Our clinicians provide neurofeedback and biofeedback sessions to clients looking to supplement their current treatment, such as counseling and medication, and for people who are not currently in treatment but are looking to optimize their performance on a personal or professional level.

Specialized Physiological Assessments (Physiological Stress Profiles) are utilized prior to the start of treatment to provide a baseline to understand an individual’s response to mildly stressful stimuli in order to formulate an individualized treatment plan.



is a form of therapy that uses non-invasive sensors attached to the skin to monitor physiological responses such as heart rate, blood pressure and muscle tension in response to certain stimuli. Biofeedback is often used to help patients manage anxiety, chronic pain and stress.



is a form of therapy that uses non-invasive sensors attached to the scalp to monitor brainwave activity. During a neurofeedback session, a client plays a special type of video game and focuses their attention on the game to achieve the game’s objectives. The counselor monitors the brain activity and maps the client’s brainwaves against the ideal state the client is trying to achieve. Neurofeedback can challenge your brain to change old or unhelpful ways of firing and create flexibility and balance. Flexibility in the brain is the key to healthy brain function.


Quantitative EEG (qEEG)

brain mapping to detect brain activity. This test allows our clinicians to record how the neurons in your brain function and communicate with one another.



is conducted with a type of Cranial Electro Stimulation (CES) device that is FDA-cleared to treat anxiety and insomnia. The non-invasive Alpha-Stim device uses two painless ear clip electrodes that deliver low-amplitude electrical current to the brain, which helps to regulate the brain cell’s electrochemical signals and return them to a balanced, normal-functioning state.


Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

is a form of biofeedback therapy training that involves feeding back beat by beat the heart rate data during slow breathing so that the breathing matches the heart rate patterns. In essence, with HRV, you are training your heart rate to slow down and stay consistent during times of peak stress, emotions, or physical exertion.


Bioresonance Therapy (BRT)

is a type of biofeedback, sometimes called bioregulation therapy, body biofeedback, or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF). It uses signaling technology to work with your body's own biological communications. This helps stimulate your cells and speed up natural healing processes. Healthy cellular communication is essential for maintaining overall health and addressing symptoms of cell damage and illness.


MindAlive David Delight Pro

with Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) combines two therapeutic technologies: Audio-Visual Stimulation (AVS) and Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES). This combination aims to help improve brain function, manage stress, and treat various mental health issues.

Maximize your treatment by mastering these actionable tips.


I started neurofeedback after being diagnosed with long COVID.  It helped me manage my anxiety and difficulty with insomnia without having to use medications that usually have less than desirable side effects.”


Neurofeedback therapy has given me the chance to learn more about myself from a new perspective that I never viewed as attainable or possible.”


After trying multiple medications and supplements, neurofeedback has helped me feel relief from migraines that I had never thought was possible.”


As a person who has struggled with anxiety and OCD for most of my adult life, Neurofeedback offered me the information to understand how and why I have been struggling with managing symptoms despite the attempts with therapy and medications giving me hope that with training I may reap the benefits without having to take medicine or using therapeutic techniques which only sort of help the problem.”


Neurofeedback has helped me be more aware of the connection between my body and mind. It has also helped me feel more in the present moment through training sessions as I get real-time feedback on how my brain is functioning. “


I started neurofeedback about a month ago. At first, I was skeptical, but within the first week, my daily tension headaches had almost vanished, and they continue to improve. We are now working on reducing the frequency of migraines, and I am very hopeful. The staff are friendly and they keep the environment casual, so I don't feel the anxiety I usually have in medical offices.”


I started neurofeedback after completing TMS for my severe chronic depression.  It has been a nice adjuct with helping my brain fog, keeping depressive symptoms at bay and gradually improving my anxiety. I strongly encourage giving it a try.” 


I had a wonderful experience doing neurofeedback therapy! It was my first time doing this type of therapy and I was appreciative that my therapist was understanding, knowledgeable, professional, and explained every step of the way. I was there to primarily work on my anxiety and saw positive results overall and started to notice my anxiety level had dampened down overtime. I also saw an unexpected improvement in my focus for reading, as I need to read a lot for my schooling and career. This was an unexpected perk. I am very pleased with my neurofeedback experience!”


I recently started venturing into the world of biofeedback to hopefully assist with my anxiety and my severe white coat syndrome that I experience with every kind of medical appointment that I attend.  I also have some significant insomnia issues that I would like to address.  I am extremely sensitive to medications and thus would like to explore being able to control my own body better instead of taking more medications.

I have learned much about using my own breathing to control my heart.  It is relaxing and easy to learn.  I am also trying alpha stimulation to increase the alpha waves in my brain also working to address my anxiety and insomnia issues.  Although I am just beginning, I do feel some increased relaxation throughout my day that I did not experience before without being medicated.  I am at the beginning of this journey but have high hopes for a decrease in my anxiety and an ability to help with my white coat syndrome to better my mental and physical health with the use of controlling my own body and hopefully making the use of pharmaceutical intervention a minimum.”


As someone who suffered from migraine headaches for years, I had tried so many interventions in an attempt to get some relief. Medications, injections, dietary limitations, allergy studies- I felt like more of a science experiment than a patient! Neurofeedback made a huge difference for me- I was able to get my life back. No more worrying about medication side effects- this non-invasive, simple, effective treatment took me from having 2-4 migraine days a week to having maybe 2-4 migraine days a YEAR, I’d surely say neurofeedback was absolutely successful for me.”


I had never used the Alpha-Stim before, I did not know what to expect or even if it would actually help me. I was struggling with my depression so thought I would give it a try. I am so thankful that I took the time to understand, ask about the service and make time to use the Alpha-Stim because it has been a game changer for my depression! I enjoyed using the service – it was easy to have set it up and do other things or just relax.”


Neurofeedback has definitely helped improve my sleep all around, and I struggled with that for almost 10 years. Before, I couldn’t fall asleep or stay asleep, and didn’t have a consistent or healthy sleep schedule. Now, my sleep schedule is the most consistent it’s ever been, I get enough sleep every night, and I actually feel rested when I wake up in the mornings. We’ve been working on better managing ADHD symptoms through neuro too, and my impulsivity has gotten much easier to manage, with slow but steady improvements for attention."